
About Us

I am a qualified Foot Healthcare Practitioner MCFHP MAFHP and a Registered Nurse (Adult & Mental Health). I visit Clients in their homes, Nursing Home and other healthcare facilities.


Baree Esoof

AB Footcare Services:
  1. Athlete foot
  2. Bunions
  3. Corns, Calluses
  4. Diabetics Foot care
  5. Hard skin and Heel Fissures
  6. Ingrowing toenails
  7. Fungal Nail infections
  8. Toenail clipping and thinning
  9. Verrucae
Healthcare Training Courses:
  1. COHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
  2. Diabetes
  3. Dementia Awareness
  4. Effective Communication
  5. End of Life Care
  6. Equality and Diversity Awareness
  7. Epilepsy
  8. Emergency First Aid
  9. Food Hygiene
  10. Food Nutrition
  11. Fire Safety
  12. Health and Safety
  13. Healthcare Risk Assessments
  14. Infection Control Awareness
  15. Medication Awareness
  16. Mental Capacity and DOLS Awareness (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards)
  17. Manual Handling
  18. Nutrition and Fluids
  19. Person Centred Approach
  20. Prevention of Falls
  21. Personal & Pressure Care
  22. Stress
  23. SOVA (Safeguards of Vulnerable Adults
  24. Understanding your Role
  25. Whistleblowing

Contac Us , email or telephone, to book an appointment.